Page name: Wiki Fantasy Roleplay [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-12-05 01:41:49
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Wiki Fantasy Roleplay

The Wiki Fiction Roleplay Fantasy
RPGs, Wikis, Stories and Games


This page is continuously renovated and updated by [xido], and
all volunteering Official Guild Moderators


The first and official RPG Guild of Elftown.

See Also: The Wiki Sci-fi Roleplay
Part of the Wiki Fiction Roleplay Creative Writing and RPG Guild


Welcome to the Wiki Fantasy Roleplay. This fantasy nook has been set up as an escape for all you other avid roleplayers out there who are also avid wikiers. If you're a rook to the WFR - Wiki Fiction Roleplay - you'll want to know a bit about what exactly it is we do here, no?

The Wiki Fantasy Roleplay's main aim is to give all advanced roleplayers in Elftown a chance to roleplay fantasy with others like them.

This is an ongoing roleplay, meaning that good Roleplayers will naturally post setting-storylines throughout. Please remember that you will be playing the same character in the same environement, maintaining relationships with other characters over an extended period of time. If you are in two places at once, it should be made apparent what time it is , in contrast with other wiki posts, and how you got from each place to the other. I feel this is the best way to roleplay. Hopefully we will be able to get some sort of a mass-wiki plot developing, but for now we're just going to roleplay in a more or less basic fantasy/medieval roleplay environment.

The WFR was originally created to house only original fantasy roleplaying.

Now, with the help of [Nightshadow], the WSFR, our sci-fi sister site, is now ready to work toward the future goals of storytellers here on Elftown!


Character Page

Interested in joining? This page includes everything you need to know about applying, including links to the app page, the formidable list of accepted players, and tips on character creation.
See also: WFR Application Page, The League of Accepted Characters and the new WFR Guild Members Page, Rank Page/WFR CHAR Rank Page, Species Page/ WFR CHAR Race Page, Creature_List

Text Adventures, WFR Games and WFR Quests

Yup. This is where all the magic happens. From the Realms of Lemire to Jashnia, Dysphasia, and other Guild-supported games, these pages links some of the finest and most diverse play in Elftown. If you're interested in making your well-developed roleplaying game part of the Guild, this is where to start planting the seeds for good wiki stories and games!

Role Playing for Dummies, Androntel Academy, and the RPG Library

These pages contain links to useful how-to pages, featuring tips for beginning to advanced roleplayers, among other useful tidbits of information. (Pirate terminology? Don't understand D&D alignments? Step right up!)
Also see the full list of

WFR Guild Pages, Mods, & GMs


Until recently, a mostly-forgotten page about... what else? Chatting with other WFR guild members!
Rather than having elaborate conversations in pure squidgie talk (^_^ , o.O , X.x, >.> , :P , wut r u doin today?(or IRC) , etc.) you can keep crazy conversations to this page, unless you prefer to use the comments section for blabber.... which I don't.
WFR and WSFR members are welcome to chat their days away on this page, either in comments, or in crazy in-person roleplay. Anyone with an interest in roleplaying, guild membership, or fun wikis can come and converse on this page without fear of feeling unwelcome or inadequate. Ask questions, find new wiki stories, or just babble like a crazy monkey on this page.

PLEASE CHECK OUT AND CONTRIBUTE TO THE CREATURE_LIST!!! The WFR Char RACE Page and WFR Char RANK Page are now in progress. All Race pages will be formatted similar to the Human Races page, and D&D-termed Classes will be integrated into Ranks and Titles.

See the WFR Renovations and Updates

(Page and auxilliary pages are consistently under construction and renovation until further notice. Check page version 120 to search for missing info. -[Nightshadow])


Username (or number or email):


2003-12-25 [Tal Anduril]: I'll second that, wait to continue after today, 24hrs will not doom either one of you.

2003-12-25 [Lexicon]: um wasnt trying to fight I did wish her a merry christmas with a heartfilled wish


2003-12-27 [Archangel Tyrael]: *Chuckles*

2003-12-27 [Amerity]: whats so funny mister?

2003-12-27 [Archangel Tyrael]: All we have to do is find another 365 people (leap year), who all have different birthdays, and we can keep that up all year...... and maybe by then they'll be in a better mood; or at least forget whatever it was that got them angry in the first place.

2003-12-27 [xido]: 364..... The dilemma has been solved, and peace can return to the land.....until we go to war again. :P

2003-12-27 [Lexicon]: whooohooo war eastonia and all of Qor shall belong to me!!!! did I say that out loud? lol

2003-12-27 [xido]: Qor already nearly belongs to you....and now you want MY land.....damn megalomaniacs......and yeah, you said it, Terrets-man!!! (sp?)

2003-12-27 [Lexicon]: hey I am um.....hehe greedy? LOL gotta have some fun ya know lol

2003-12-31 [Amerity]: hey are you gonna make my little kingdom you still need information

2003-12-31 [Lexicon]: need more info message me with it :)

2003-12-31 [Amerity]: kk

2003-12-31 [xido]: Awesome! Amerity, are you going to be in control of a land too? GMing, I mean...not necessarily royalty. Must be that Night Elf land, hmm?

2003-12-31 [Lexicon]: yeah gonna give her a nightelf kingdom in southern Qor hehe to toy with before I take it over LOL

2004-01-03 [Amerity]: NEver shal Lilly bow to even Phalk...she has her pride you know.

2004-01-03 [Lexicon]: uh oh hehe this will make it interesting hehe <eg>

2004-01-03 [Amerity]: don't make her fight won't be pretty.

2004-01-03 [Lexicon]: hey I wont make her fight hehe that is on her <eg>

2004-01-03 [Amerity]: darn you lex.....

2004-01-03 [Lexicon]: *with a sly innocnent grin* what? hehe <eg>

2004-01-03 [Amerity]: lol...jerk... ;D

2004-01-03 [Lexicon]: LMAO!!!

2004-01-03 [Amerity]: lol...well laugh it off then!

2004-01-03 [Lexicon]: OH teh plans I have for yo uhehe <eg>

2004-01-03 [Tal Anduril]: *growls at typos*

2004-01-03 [Hutch]: ooooo spiffy

2004-01-03 [Amerity]: Try it! ;D

2004-01-04 [Lexicon]: um trust me I will? LOL

2004-01-04 [Amerity]: haha....

2004-01-05 [xido]: This is for the taverns. please.

2004-01-05 [Lexicon]: kk sorry :)

2004-01-05 [xido]: s'okay...thank y'all

2004-01-05 [Hutch]: lol

2004-01-05 [Davorah]: RANDOM ACT OF ADVERTISEMENT: Weekly Funny Stuffs! GO NOW!!!

2004-01-06 [Lunnie]: -stabs lex- you asked for it >___>

2004-01-06 [soul_reaver]: I"m in

2004-01-06 [xido]: what do you mean, you're in....this isn't the matrix..........what else can we discuss about? PIE is not an option, but is tasty.

2004-01-07 [Hutch]: ... more confusion than neccisary (sp)^^

2004-01-07 [Amerity]: um..we could talk about wiki fantasy roleplay...

2004-01-08 [Blood Raven]: Anybody interested in joining a pirate wiki? check the Sea Bandit

2004-01-10 [xido]: Excellent idea. Ship wikis do well by basing themselves from a port city....need one? Also, check out those new ship/naval/pirate terms wikis above. [Shade Wolf] has a ship wiki that I'm trying to get going for him, the Destroyer of Dreams....maybe you could ally.

2004-01-10 [Lexicon]: ok question for any who might be able to lead me to it someone has mention somethin about war of the roses or soemtin simular to this in deeling with moonelves? I would like to know the source if any can direct me to it

2004-01-11 [xido]: The War of the Roses is an odd attempt by [Phyn] to conduct a historical overview of sorts of the war between elves and the orcish tribes in Eastonia's past. It does not deal with the history of Eastonia as I have previously notated, as it differs in subject from the vast majority of info I have put forward on it. The wiki page for the WotR will be revamped shortly to a more resourceful page.

2004-01-11 [xido]: You would be better off to msg [Angel Dreamer] for the info I've sent her in regards to the histories of Eastonia. By all good intentions, the above wiki page does at least follow the timeline established previously for Eastonia, but Nik differs very highly from what we had previously established as the set events of the land. We will be doing some revamping after discussion.

2004-01-11 [Tal Anduril]: There's nothing at that link.

2004-01-11 [Lexicon]: Ahh ok thanks xido was just thrown off about that

2004-01-11 [xido]: now try prob, Lex. Nice job on the lands of Qor. Can't wait to see the map, and make a big a great idea in mind for how to make it look.

2004-01-11 [Tal Anduril]: Ok, it works now.

2004-01-11 [Lexicon]: *with a low bow* thank ye but it is far from finished hehe yeah hopefully tomorrow I can get it on my com

2004-01-17 [Lexicon]: Ok history lesson for those who care hehe first one is elves.....they originate form the norse mythology as messengers of the asier when a mortals were blessed to be givin a message, though elves would come in many forms as they visited and aided Frey in the defense against Surtre during the second ragnorak (I believe) second is the minotaur orignates from greeko/romanian mythos as the labrynth of crete's gaurdian, since mythos is what all fantasy is orignated fomr thought to share LOL plus I love mythos and studied it for years in High school and college shaem I didn tpay attention to other classes LOL

2004-01-28 [Starbabie]: Can anyone tell me how to make a RPG in a simpilar form please!!!

2004-01-30 [Lexicon]: in a simplier form? um.....what do ya mean?

2004-02-02 [AccountKiller]: Wellps I posted my char on the Chara page

2004-02-02 [Hutch]: hmm i created a character but she's just squating...

2004-02-04 [Lexicon]: just squating? wel lget it up and moving LOL

2004-02-04 [Hutch]: lol

2004-02-11 [xido]: squatting? I don't know if you're alluding to something vulgar, or if you're a nomad living on another's lands..... O.x  .....Map/Eastonia is now under the complete control of its creator and mod, [Phyn]. I'll still be taking care of the WFR tech pages, as well as beginning my own lands to the west of Eastonia, but Eastonia is and always has been his, not mine. If this is an issue for anyone.....well, too bad.....I mean, I apologize for the misinterpretation. [Phyn] and I created the lands together, but I seemed to overstep some boundary unknowingly, and became overtly selfish in doing so. Since this is a common theme in my life, I ask that someone please cast the first stone.

2004-02-11 [Kai Ken]: *comes in* hi!

2004-02-12 [Lexicon]: sorry dont know magic xido hehe.....though got a question, does this mean the attack on Kiee gonna have to stop? if so no prob hehe

2004-02-12 [Kai Ken]: hi!

2004-02-13 [Tal Anduril]: hello

2004-02-17 [Kai Ken]: hi

2004-02-17 [Mysterious Jessie]: is everyone? Message me if you wanna chat.. thanx..

2004-02-22 [Kai Ken]: good

2004-02-23 [Mysterious Jessie]: thats good!!

2004-02-24 [xido]: WFR Chat, please. No, that doesn't mean that the war is over, but you'll be having a tough time winning. It seems [Phyn] has some issues with me making Kiee look like a weak nation. So apparently (even though he's never on), he's going to make it all more 'realistic' for us. I'm still waiting for this, however. Gogann will still be leading the search for the artifact, though. That is still my campaign idea, and totally outside of his grasp. Setting Sail will be used for that.

2004-02-24 [Kai Ken]: hi

2004-02-24 [Lexicon]: ok that is no prob then, I know I have sent a message to [Phyn] and not yet recieved a reply on it. If need be we can plot a way to get the cast into the search for the artifact, so let me know how you would like to get it all started Xido, k?

2004-02-24 [Kai Ken]: hmmmm.....

2004-02-25 [xido]: We see you, nieve, but this page isn't for chatting. If you'd like to chat with WFR members, invite them to visit you in the WFR Chat wiki, or message them personally, please. This is mainly a tech page, and used for RPG Guild and member announcements, ideas, lands, etc.   And yeah, that sounds fine, Lex. By 'cast', who do you mean? It seems that Tal and Therian have granted themselves leave on a continent where no one knows of their presence. I think that leaves Morloc, Gogann, the fleet, and whoever else I can con into being on the decoy ship.

2004-02-25 [xido]: WFR Guild members can be found, along with their respective chars, on the League of Accepted Characters, just in case that wasn't already apparent. To apply, post a char description on the Character Page.

2004-02-26 [Lexicon]: is okay I am gonna have Morloc send out scouts to find them here soon once I know we can sail to war er...or mostly ready to sail for war

2004-02-26 [Hutch]: what wiki is this for?

2004-02-27 [Lexicon]: the beginning is Prince's Reign leading to various sub wikis and the wiki with a massive force heading for Eastonia called Setting Sail

2004-02-27 [Hutch]: ooooh...

2004-02-28 [xido]: typo fix: Prince's Reign and Map/Eastonia

2004-02-28 [xido]: TearRem is no longer, for the time being. We will see what happens in the future, for other projects to take its place, or even a new version on [Resiska]'s behalf. There is also a password on this page now, since it felt necessary. Msg me for it if you are: A) a typical GM, B) a Mod, and C) if you think I'll actually give it to you when you request it.

2004-02-28 [Lexicon]: Now I can put my map up YAYYY er....but dont know how to put it on a wiki page :P lol

2004-02-28 [Hutch]: lol

2004-02-28 [Augury]: AWL

2004-02-28 [Hutch]: for shame...

2004-02-29 [Augury]: !!!!!!!!!!

2004-03-01 [Mysterious Jessie]: anyone wanna talk leave me a message!!

2004-03-02 [xido]: 19:45:31 Mysterious Jessie: anyone wanna talk leave me a message! ..........get a hobby, and leave it for the chat rooms.....PPLLEEAASSEE!!!!!!

2004-03-04 [zinny]: God, this place is woop arse

2004-03-04 [xido]: LOL! I'll take that as a compliment, but wow....that's funny......and so low-brow.................And I prefer that people call each other by name, and not God.     Tearra Réhm is the project of the week. All players and GMs have a hand in on this one.

2004-03-09 [Chel.]: Check out my Fashion Art Contest although it's over you can vote for your fave at....<poll:15689>

2004-03-20 [Gwendylyyn]: uh...yeah, mine is brand new so don't add it. i happened to stumble onto this wiki and thought maybe i'd let ya'll know bout my wiki RPG City of Mist Check it out if you want. It's practically brand new so don't expect anything my first RPG wiki and I'm doing it all alone so. >_< NYAH!!!

2004-03-23 [ueryurwt]: attention all inhabitants, if you want a town, a bar, or even a world written drop me a line!

2004-03-27 [RavenTalon]: doesn't anyine like my cute little dragon? Grrr!!!

2004-03-27 [Leara]: You people need to learn patience >.>

2004-03-31 [xido]:

EVERYONE INTERESTED IN THE FATE OF THE LADY OF THE LAKE'S BASTARD DAUGHTER SHOULD PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE PAGE: Tavern Room 1AMystic Beauty shall see the full extent of the spider's sinewy web. All hail Lolth, spider queen of the drow!

2004-04-06 [EvilSinside]: hey Architect

2004-04-08 [zinny]: ...mmmk...ya...suuure....

2004-04-08 [Erin go Bragh]: anyone here?

2004-04-08 [Erin go Bragh]: ...

2004-04-08 [Hutch]: nope, but i think you should wait more than 14 seconds for a response ^^

2004-04-09 [zinny]: yaaaaaa

2004-04-09 [xido]: Architect, I'm sorry, but in the process of deleting all the meaningless jumble that is best-suited for the WFR Chat, I may have deleted a comment made by someone that wanted your assistance. Sorry for the obstacle, but if that person would still like your help, they may want to re-post their inquiry..... Sorry, and thanks for understanding.

2004-04-15 [Reyin]: hey can i join?

2004-04-17 [Mysterious Jessie]: Reyin..yes you can join

2004-04-27 [NightHawk]: hmmm... roleplaying, eh? Are these free-for-alls or are most of them totally run by a GM?

2004-04-27 [Leara]: their run, except for a few wiki's, like one of the taverns.

2004-05-01 [xido]: and a couple other, more 'experimental' wiki RPs.... but half and half of the others, GMed, and free-form.

2004-05-05 [NightHawk]: ah, coolness :)

2004-05-10 [Tal Anduril]: I'll be debating same-sex marriage in the days ahead. The main argument that I have heard against it (though I'm sure there are others) is that “It is against Christian teachings.” Please be truthful. <poll:20643> If you have any comments on the matter one way or the other, please feel free to send me a message. My view on the matter can be viewed at this link.

2004-05-15 [Cougar]: oooooo si-fi!! hey xido can i get in on this?!

2004-05-15 [Nightshadow]: Certianly...the char application page should be up by the end of the day. However, the games available can only be built slowly.

2004-05-15 [Cougar]: that is fine. I just want the privilage of being one of the first ones in*

2004-05-17 [love_hate]: any ppl wanna chat im me

2004-05-18 [xido]: Please note the grandeur of the WFR Chat, love_hate.....not you, Cougar...just some random solicitor

2004-05-20 [Alistar13]: may i join? if so can someone let me know how? Alistar13

2004-05-20 [xido]: See the Character Page for info and post a character profile of your own creation on the WFR Application Page for the fantasy section, and the WSFR Application Page for the scifi section....

2004-05-22 [Cati Stormweaver]: i dont know if i already but this somewhere, but i have a fantesy world that i created called Naidi, ill write down all the histroy of the continents and the secondary Plane, and the creation story

2004-05-23 [xido]: If you're asking me to review your already-created wiki, please send me a link to the page. If it's not finished being put together, please do so before asking me to review it.

2004-05-24 [Cati Stormweaver]: ok, ill try to get the stuff together, it may take awhile though

2004-05-24 [Cati Stormweaver]: i got some of it together, but it still in need of alot of work, i dont have a map up yet The World of Naidi

2004-05-25 [Krystal Rose]: I am so lost.i just joined this site...

2004-05-25 [xido]: who is your character? (as a wiki-link)

2004-05-29 [Insaniac Yoshie]: hello im going to be joining soon so keep a look out for me!

2004-05-29 [xido]: okay, we will. Thanks for joining. What kind of stories do you like?

2004-06-01 [K'jesrya]: So... how does all this work? I actually just got accepted by the RPG Guild..and i am kinda lost...i rp in other wikis...but a little help would be most appreciated

2004-06-01 [Nightshadow]: Just pick a place that's open-rp and start playing, or, for a more complete game, look for places that seem at a good spot to have someone new join. Say, those with short character lists.

2004-06-03 [silvermoon dragon]: how do i join

2004-06-03 [Blood Raven]: create a character on the WFR Application Page

2004-06-03 [Tal Anduril]: what's the: "The new </i>" ???

2004-06-03 [Nightshadow]: oh...elftown changed how it needs the tags written. *fixes*

2004-06-04 [Tal Anduril]: ok, thanks.

2004-06-16 [crazy_dude]: how do i play games?

2004-06-16 [Blood Raven]: find a wiki and get into the story a bit, then join in. press the edit button, scroll down and add your piece of the story

2004-06-17 [Kim_Lundin]: That was the best description I've heard for a long time.

2004-06-17 [Nightshadow]: Yes...hurrah for brevity. :)

2004-06-17 [Kim_Lundin]: I mean: It's short, it's simple and it's true.

2004-06-17 [Lunnie]: but its not fully details which could lead to confusing for some newbies xD though O.o;;; maybe you should ahve mentiooned "read the rules of the RP" too hahaha xD that way it would still be short simple and true along with less lead to confusion ;o!!

2004-06-19 [Blood Raven]: can't think about everything ^^

2004-06-19 [Lunnie]: thats right ;P

2004-06-20 [xido]: But if you CAN think about everything, please help add on any valid RPing ideas you may have to [Lunnie]'s Roleplaying for Dummies.

2004-06-20 [Nightshadow]: broken link...Role Playing for Dummies

2004-06-20 [xido]: Gah! *growls* I never remember it, no matter how many acronyms and analogies I create for it... Grrr!

2004-06-20 [Nightshadow]: Darkfire should rename it, adding another space somewhere, just for your amusement.

2004-06-20 [Lunnie]: O.o; hmmmm... ;P I went and too over the Roleplaying for Dummies page too now xD so either way it's spelled is a good link now ;P

2004-06-21 [xido]: oh cool, thanks. :)

2004-06-21 [Lunnie]: np ^__^

2004-06-21 [Blood Raven]: okay, so we're just gonna send all newbies over to that place? uhm... okay, fine with me ^___^'

2004-06-21 [Lunnie]: lol ^__^ prety much ;P thats the goal of hte page MAY THE WORD SPREAD! xD

2004-06-22 [xido]: The RP for dummies and the Androntel Academy are both good places for rookies to learn the ways of the wikis.... Although I wish I had a little more help in the academy, other then Angel and myself... I don't think just two people can handle it when other people decide to show up.... One student is difficult enough.... That sounds terrible, huh?

2004-06-22 [Nightshadow]: I'd be glad to help if you guys start to get crowded.

2004-06-22 [xido]: Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. It might get crowded...but it was mostly just getting boring. You can only make so many random storylines, before things start to go downhill.....  you know?

2004-06-22 [Nightshadow]: Mm-hm. And god forbid you come up with something interesting because then you want to save it for real play. ^_^;;

2004-06-22 [xido]: lol....right. :P

2004-06-22 [Blood Raven]: ah well, there's always the D&D DM Guide for random campaigns :) It had some neat ideas in my eyes, but I guess you already know the lot of them ^__^

2004-06-22 [xido]: Well, some of them aren't particularly suited for the present game setup.... But I've got a huge folder full of my own, just in case... :)

2004-06-22 [Nightshadow]: And people think I'm addicted. :p

2004-06-22 [Nightshadow]: Of course, I don't play D&D, either....

2004-06-22 [xido]: Oh, yes you do.... :) you just don't realize you're doing it.... But that's what this is, my dear.... a big, fat pile of D&D, translated onto an open-form webpage RP...... Maybe not the dice and stats...but all the other requirements.

2004-06-22 [Nightshadow]: there's a new one. And yes minus the dice and stats, which I find lovely. *grins*

2004-06-23 [Blood Raven]: hehe... ANd BTW xido, or anybody else known with the WFR, is there some place where I can put an advertisement? I've got a stranded pirate ship, and some unemployed chars which need action before they die of boredom...

2004-06-23 [Nightshadow]: The wiki Text adventures, though how much traffic that has, I couldn't say.

2004-06-27 [Blood Raven]: I ment more like, inside the WFR, in some tavern or something

2004-06-28 [xido]: you're best off posting about it HERE, and hoping that players watch this page for updates, like I hoped. Other than that, post in in your mood, your house, other wikis, the forums, and by telling people about the party, and look for other gaming options....if nothing else, abandon the ship, and start an adventuring party, then buy another ship when you can later on..... :)

2004-06-29 [Blood Raven]: well the ship's sinking anyway... we're heading right for a storm and the other players are not to be found anywhere... So it''s just me and 3 sailor who arem inor chars of mine...

2004-07-02 [Kim_Lundin]: Or, maybe you can post on the notice-board... I don't know if anyone ever looks at that page, but maybe... ^_^

2004-07-05 [Duredhel]: Realms of Lemire Arena is needing players ^_^ so please check it out.

2004-07-12 [Romymari]: Join in with the best at the RP Character Contest!!

2004-07-18 [Dryad]: Reign is also in DIRE NEED of players!!!!

2004-07-18 [Nightshadow]: Join the club....

2004-07-18 [Blood Raven]: seems like I've got multiple choices of where to dump my chars

2004-07-18 [Nightshadow]: Yes and probably multiple bribes from various GMs. You should make it an auction. :p

2004-07-18 [Blood Raven]: hehe, but both realms are special. Lemire works with dice, and Reign is about getting ur own race to be best. and I think I might just join :P

2004-07-18 [Nightshadow]: *is really bad with those mud-ish things* I'm definitely a character-interaction specialty...

2004-07-18 [Blood Raven]: yeah, me too, but I just created some weird race with that reign thingy. I hope it'll be fun, but now I gotta start calculating. Just when school's over :'(

2004-07-18 [Blood Raven]: ah well, I suppose I did choose freely to do it

2004-07-19 [Firous]: If I am correct I think that all of us need players for our RPs....people just stop posting...

2004-07-20 [Blood Raven]: yeah... 'snot nice... :(

2004-07-20 [Nightshadow]: *thinks they all need to be tracked down from these mysterious things they call "lives" and chained to their computers until they edit*

2004-07-20 [Lunnie]: O.o; what a .... "life" -blinks- I think mien has been stoped along with my soul chained to the computer...

2004-07-20 [Nightshadow]: ^_^ And so it begins....

2004-07-20 [Lunnie]: lol~

2004-07-20 [Blood Raven]: soul? ah, you mean that thing which has been eaten by my floppy drive? well I did feel a bit empty after that I suppose...

2004-07-20 [Lunnie]: Hmm well as long as i stay near my computer im fine until i leave... then i lose my soul u.u;

2004-07-22 [AccountKiller]: I think I can say I ROLE PLAY BETTER THAN YOU!!!!

2004-07-22 [Lunnie]: -blinks-

2004-07-22 [Ashes of Ael]: he is pretty damn good... LOL check out his

2004-07-22 [Ashes of Ael]: he is pretty damn good... LOL check out his forum

2004-07-22 [Lunnie]: Oh crist and gods in heaven gaia RP >.< please hide me

2004-07-23 [Firous]: Hey my friend is trying to start an RP and we are looking for people who will actually stay with it...none of these idiots who don't know how to commit....the site

2004-07-23 [Firous]: Hey my friend is trying to start an RP and we are looking for people who will actually stay with it...none of these idiots who don't know how to's at An Angel's Trial it just started up and it looks pretty good...if anyone's interested you should check it out ^.^

2004-07-29 [kayle]: i don't have a life! at least not until school starts again. blech...neeeed rp ^_^

2004-07-29 [xido]: join the club.... oh, wait, we're already here. hey, a club for people without lives!!!! HUZZAH!!!

2004-07-29 [Nightshadow]: *toasts*

2004-07-30 [kayle]: w00t! ^_^

2004-07-30 [kayle]: w00t! ^_^ lives suck!

2004-08-05 [zinny]: Hey, check this out: EclipseOfReality

2004-08-05 [zinny]: Ah yes, fear my advertizing powers. Am I allowed to do that?

2004-08-09 [xido]: you are a member... you can. you can also nominate it for guildship, or have another person nominate it well for the wiki awards that ET does....

2004-09-21 [Raerlas]: if any of you are interested in a campaign setting look around the Kingdom of Dae'Vyhir, i am the co-gm there and run most of the things there. let me know if your interested. thanks

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